1. Zhao R.T., and Pan D.X.* Thermal conductivity of two stable bilayer phosphorene stackings: A computation study[J]. J. Appl. Phys., 2022, 131(7): 075101.
2. Pan, D.X. Electronic dispersions of a stable twisted bilayer phosphorene in 2O-tαP phase. J. Appl. Phys., 2021, 129(5), 055101.
3. Alidoust M., Halterman K., Pan D.X., Willatzen M., and Akola J. Strain-engineered widely tunable perfect absorption angle in black phosphorus from first principles. Phys. Rev. B, 2020,102(11), 115307.
4. Pan D.X., Liu C.S., Liu G.-B., Feng S., and Yao Y.G.* Physical Fingerprints of the 2O-tαP Phase in Phosphorene Stacking. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019,10,11,3190-3196.
5. Gong L., Pan D.X., and Wang X.J.* Finite element modeling of the viscoelastic contact for a composite micropillar. Mech. Adv. Mater. & Struct., 2019, 1-13.
6. Pan D.X., Wang C., and Wang X.J.* Graphene Foam: Hole-Flake Network for Uniaxial Supercompression and Recovery Behavior. ACS Nano, 2018, 12(11), 11491-11502.
7. Wang C, Pan D.X., and Chen S.H.* Energy Dissipative Mechanism of Graphene Foam Matrials. Carbon, 2018,132, 641-650.
8. Chen Z., Wang J.R., Pan D.X., Wang Y.*, Noetzel R., Li H., Xie P., Pei W.L., Umar A., Jiang L.*, Li N., de Rooij N.F., and Zhou G.F.* Mimicking Dog Nose: Scrolling Graphene Nanosheets. ACS Nano, 2018,12 (3),2521-2530.
9. Pan D.X., Wang T.-C.*, Xiao W.D., Hu D. M., and Yao Y. G.* Simulations of twisted bilayer orthorhombic Black Phosphorus. Phys. Rev. B (Rapid communication), 2017, 96, 041411.
10. Pan D.X., Li Y., Wang T.-C.*, and Guo W. L.* Bending-induced extension in two-dimensional crystals, Acta Mech. Sin., 2017,33, 71-76.
11. Pan D.X., Wang C., Wang T.-C.*, and Yao Y. G.* Graphene foam:uniaxial tension behavior and fracture mode based on a mesoscopic model. ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 8988−8997.
12. Pan D.X., Wang T.-C.*, Wang C., Guo W., and Yao Y. G.* Self-assembled chiral phosphorus nanotubes from phosphorene: a molecular dynamics study. RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 24647-24651.
13. Pan D.X., Wang T.-C., and Guo W.L.* Bending-induced phase transition in monolayer black phosphorus, Chin. Phys. B, 2015,24, 086401-6.
14. Liu X.F., Pan D.X., Hong Y.Z., and Guo W. L.* Bending poisson effect in two-dimensional crystals. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2014,112, 205502.
15. Pan, D.X., Kang, G.*, and Jiang, H., Viscoelastic constitutive model for uniaxial time-dependent ratcheting of polyetherimide polymer. Polym. Eng. Sci., 2012, 52,1874-1881.
16. Pan, D.X., Kang, G. Z.*, Zhu, Z. W., and Liu, Y. J. Experimental study on uniaxial time-dependent ratcheting of a polyetherimide polymer. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl. Phys. & Eng), 2010, 11,804-810.